Access the skills, guidance and courage you need to nurture a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization.

Thinking about centering your organization around diversity, equity, and inclusion? Whether you're a school leader, nonprofit advocate, funder or ed tech entrepreneur, the DEI Expert Hub can connect you with DEI specialists who can help you achieve your DEI goals.
  • about ways to start and advance diversity, equity and inclusion across your organization and its work.

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  • with individuals and organizations who can help you with your diversity, equity and inclusion projects.

    see how it works
  • our "concierge" service to get started on your DEI project and narrow your focus.

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This site is made possible by the generous support and funding of NewSchools Venture Fund. More

Why DEI?

The case for making education organizations more diverse, inclusive and equitable has never been more urgent or compelling. Read more about what we mean by diversity, equity and inclusion, and why they are so important for education organizations here.

Featured DEI Projects