The Catalyst:Ed Expert Code of Conduct

Act with integrity, treat each other with respect, and work in the best interest of kids.

The Catalyst:Ed Expert Code of Conduct applies to the experts in our network. It is derived from our mission and values, and informed by our collective experiences as education leaders. It can be summed up as: “Act with integrity, treat each other with respect, and work in the best interest of kids”.

The CE Expert Code of Conduct articulates the high expectations we have from CE Experts as it relates to their work and interactions with clients. In exchange, we promise to do our utmost to provide our Experts with the support they need to meet to these expectations.

The specifics outlined in this Code are not intended to be exhaustive. Instead, they are illustrative of our expectations. Thus, we expect all CE Experts to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code and rely on good judgment to uphold high standards of ethical and professional conduct. When in doubt, we encourage you to reach out to us at Catalyst:Ed via email (

Our Overarching Purpose

We expect CE Experts to be driven by a desire to ensure that all kids have an excellent education that will prepare them for a successful and meaningful life. When faced with a difficult decision, we expect that CE Experts will put the interests of kids and their clients ahead of their own.

Honesty: Adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct and continually work to earn and retain the trust of your clients.

  • Deliver on contractual and other commitments on time and within budget. Flag for client-approval any changes in project scope, budget and timeline due to unforeseen circumstances. Minimize surprises.
  • Preserve client confidences. Do not access or share confidential material either during or after the completion of the project without the client’s explicit authorization. In general, disclosure of any client information should be on a strict “need to know” basis. When in doubt, err on the side of discretion or ask Catalyst:Ed for guidance.
  • Address differences of opinion and conflicts with clients, team members or Catalyst:Ed through open, honest conversations. Demonstrate a willingness to admit and learn from mistakes.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and circumstances that reasonably present the appearance of a conflict. Conflicts of interest may arise when you are in a situation in which competing loyalties could cause you to act in a way that is against the best interests of your client. If you need advice on a potential conflict of interest, ask Catalyst:Ed for guidance.

Ownership: Take ownership for client success and your own personal and professional growth.

  • Focus on results, persist in the face of difficulty and show resourcefulness in identifying solutions to challenges.
  • Handle any client resources and assets ethically and responsibly. These resources include, but are not limited to, financial assets, data, networks, intellectual property and physical property. If you spend money on a client’s behalf, make sure that the cost is reasonable, directly related to the client’s requirements and supported by appropriate documentation. Likewise, if you have access to client data, take steps to ensure that it is protected from unauthorized access.
  • Act with urgency. Use time – your own as well as your clients’ – wisely. Come prepared to meetings and delegate tasks appropriately.
  • Be ready to differ from clients. Surface any issues respectfully and proactively and participate in finding solutions.
  • Ask for feedback and request help as needed to ensure your own success and the success of your clients. Equally, show a willingness to share constructive feedback with your clients.

Generosity: Strive to add value. Help others grow.

  • Offer the best of your skills and capabilities to ensure the success of your clients. Share the information and resources that others on your team need to be successful.
  • Build client capacity to ensure sustained improvement even after the end of the project. Before transitioning out from a project, ensure that your client has the information, tools and training required in order to continue the work independently and be successful.
  • Mentor and support others at client organizations and among peers.

Presence: Treat others with respect and as you would like to be treated by them.

  • Treat everyone with respect, irrespective of who they are. Act without harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination of any kind.
  • Give others a voice, and to listen and try to understand where others are coming from.
  • Be responsive to client needs and communications. If something doesn’t work, fix it.
  • Be fully present at meetings and refrain from multi-tasking when meeting with clients either in-person or by phone.

Simplicity: Aim for simplicity in service of clarity.

  • Develop clear expectations for the project upfront, including goals, activities, deliverables, timelines, communication protocols, decision-making processes, invoicing and payment etc. Ensure expectations are met.
  • Ask, don’t assume. Equally, provide clear and transparent answers to questions.
  • Speak and write in plain language and avoid the temptation to sound clever. Check for understanding.
  • Invest effort into designing or identifying simple, elegant solutions, recognizing that simplicity leads to clarity, which motivates action and surfaces issues.
  • Shun drama. Escalate issues appropriately.




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