Develop and Resource Your DEI Strategy

Develop and Resource Your DEI Strategy

You need this if you want to: Incorporate DEI into the foundation’s grantmaking as a dedicated and/or cross-cutting funding priority.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Gather and analyze data, including perspectives from multiple internal and external stakeholders, to identify opportunities to apply a greater equity focus to your grantmaking priorities.
  • Engage with Board, leadership, staff and external stakeholders (e.g., community and grantees), as appropriate, to identify clear DEI-related grantmaking goals, including priority areas and levels of investment.
  • Articulate key strategic choices and trade-offs. Facilitate inclusive discussion and debate to identify aligned strategies (including investment criteria), develop a roadmap for action, and generate broad buy-in.
  • Develop an implementation plan that prioritizes and sequences actions based on needs. Define structures to further DEI work within the organization.
  • Identify and allocate budgets necessary to ensure adequate resources to support DEI work. Identify metrics to measure progress.

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