Design an Equitable Instructional Model

Design an Equitable Instructional Model

Advance Equitable Outcomes Schools and School Systems

You need this if you want to: Design an instructional model that meets the full range of your students’ needs.

Key activities conducted by the DEI Specialist may include:

  • Design and implement an instructional model that holds all students to high expectations; tailors learning experiences to each student’s individual needs, skills and interests; provides all students the necessary supports to achieve mastery;, and helps them develop their own sense of identity and an understanding of others.
  • Work with teachers and leaders to develop, identify, adapt and/or implement culturally relevant and inclusive curriculum and instructional practices.
  • Build cultural competence in teachers to engage with diverse students and speak to issues related to race, class, power and privilege.

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Design More Inclusive Products

Design More Inclusive Products

Advance Equitable Outcomes Ed Tech

You need this if you want to: Design products that meet the needs of underserved populations.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Gather and analyze available data on product usage and user satisfaction to identify gaps and disparities across race, ethnicity and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Interview diverse users and non-users to understand their needs and perceptions of the product. For users, understand the context in which they use the product as well as any challenges and concerns.
  • Refine product design (e.g., navigation, language barriers, technology requirements, UI, graphics and images) to improve the accessibility and user experience for individuals from underserved communities. As appropriate, introduce new products and derivatives to provide the best possible coverage of the population.
  • Revise pricing structure, as appropriate, to ensure inclusivity.
  • Test revised product with users and iterate as needed.

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Develop and Resource Your DEI Strategy

Develop and Resource Your DEI Strategy

Advance Equitable Outcomes Foundations

You need this if you want to: Incorporate DEI into the foundation’s grantmaking as a dedicated and/or cross-cutting funding priority.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Gather and analyze data, including perspectives from multiple internal and external stakeholders, to identify opportunities to apply a greater equity focus to your grantmaking priorities.
  • Engage with Board, leadership, staff and external stakeholders (e.g., community and grantees), as appropriate, to identify clear DEI-related grantmaking goals, including priority areas and levels of investment.
  • Articulate key strategic choices and trade-offs. Facilitate inclusive discussion and debate to identify aligned strategies (including investment criteria), develop a roadmap for action, and generate broad buy-in.
  • Develop an implementation plan that prioritizes and sequences actions based on needs. Define structures to further DEI work within the organization.
  • Identify and allocate budgets necessary to ensure adequate resources to support DEI work. Identify metrics to measure progress.

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Infuse DEI in Your Programs

Infuse DEI in Your Programs

Advance Equitable Outcomes Nonprofits

You need this if you want to: Identify how DEI can be infused across your existing programs, and evaluate whether new programs are needed.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Gather and analyze disaggregated data on program usage and impact to identify gaps and disparities across race, ethnicity and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Identify and implement strategies to communicate and engage with program constituents. Invest in understanding the needs, interests and aspirations of students, families and community members served by your programs and incorporate their perspectives on key decisions.
  • Identify changes to the program (including design and launch of new programs where appropriate) to make it more equitable and inclusive. Establish processes to continually engage with participants and iterate on the program design based on their feedback.
  • Identify and allocate budgets necessary to ensure adequate resources to support DEI work. Identify metrics to measure progress.

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Enlist Users from Underserved Communities

Enlist Users from Underserved Communities

Advance Equitable Outcomes Ed Tech

You need this if you want to: Develop recruitment practices to attract diverse users.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Design product awareness campaigns and communication strategies targeted at underserved communities.
  • Test content, messaging, imagery and format for inclusivity and iterate as needed.
  • Develop and implement systems and processes to track progress on user base.

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Diversify Your Grantee Portfolio

Diversify Your Grantee Portfolio

Advance Equitable Outcomes Foundations

You need this if you want to: Identify ways to diversify your grantee pipeline to achieve your foundation’s goals.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Collect and analyze data to understand how much of your funding goes to different organization types, communities and leaders.
  • Facilitate trainings and conversations with board, leadership and staff on unconscious bias and how it affects grantmaking decisions by coloring perceptions of who is a good leader and what kinds of organizations are safe bets.
  • Conduct research (e.g., prospective grantee interviews), if needed, to identify motivators and barriers to participation.
  • Diversify channels through which grant applicants are recruited and expand outreach to leaders and organizations representing and serving underserved communities.
  • Simplify, clarify and demystify grant-making criteria, process and timeline to reduce barriers for application.
  • Develop and implement systems and processes to track progress.

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Recruit Program Participants From Underserved Communities

Recruit Program Participants From Underserved Communities

Advance Equitable Outcomes Nonprofits

You need this if you want to: Develop and implement recruitment practices that attract diverse program participants.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Analyze disaggregated data to understand participation levels by different groups or communities.
  • Conduct research (e.g., prospective participant interviews), if needed, to identify motivators and barriers to participation.
  • Review and revise program design (e.g., participation requirements, program sites, language accessibility, etc.) to reduce barriers for individuals from underserved communities.
  • Design and implement awareness campaigns and communication strategies targeted at communities of color.
  • Develop and implement systems and processes to track progress.

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Create a Safe and Inclusive School Community

Create a Safe and Inclusive School Community

Advance Equitable Outcomes Schools and School Systems

You need this if you want to: Develop a nurturing environment that fosters a sense of belonging among all students.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Work with leaders and teachers to articulate clear expectations, behaviors, norms, routines and values that foster a sense of belonging among all students.
  • Analyze disaggregated referral and discipline data to identify gaps across race and ethnicities. Adjust policies and practices based on findings.
  • Design and implement practices (e.g., restorative justice, unconscious bias training) that support safe, inclusive school communities.
  • Develop processes and systems to track and review data and trends on an ongoing basis. Recalibrate policies and practices as needed.
  • Build cultural competence in teachers and other adults to engage with diverse students.

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Support Grantees in Incorporating DEI in Their Work

Support Grantees in Incorporating DEI in Their Work

Advance Equitable Outcomes Foundations

You need this if you want to: Hold grantees accountable to advancing DEI within their organizations.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Define DEI-related metrics that will be tracked across the foundation’s grantmaking priorities and grantees
  • Work with grantees to determine how they can advance DEI within their organizations. Ask them to define DEI goals and hold them accountable to achieving them.
  • Provide support (e.g., funds, resources, connections) to deepen their capability to advance DEI.

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Ensure Equitable Access to Opportunities

Ensure Equitable Access to Opportunities

Advance Equitable Outcomes Schools and School Systems

You need this if you want to: Ensure equitable student participation in academic and non-academic offerings.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Analyze disaggregated data to surface disparities in student participation rates in academic (e.g., enrollment in honors, AP, gifted and talented, or special ed classes) and non-academic offerings
  • Review and revise school policies and practices to address inequities (e.g., referral practices) and train teachers on unconscious bias to ensure diverse students’ participation.
  • Identify any barriers that might hinder participation (e.g., limited programs, lack of after-school transportation, familial responsibilities, etc.) and identify solutions.
  • Develop processes and systems to track and review data and trends, recalibrating policies and practices as needed.

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