You have worked shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, helping their organizations become more diverse, equitable and inclusive. We want to amplify your reach and impact to strengthen more organizations.

    Learn about and apply for projects that are aligned to your passion, skills and expertise.


    Gain opportunities to connect with a wider range of organizations and leaders nationally.


    Choose which projects to work on based on your interest and availability.


    Connect with your peers for project-specific questions and assistance.



Are you a coach, facilitator, consultant, or technical assistance provider with deep expertise in DEI and a track record of success helping organizations build a Race Equity Culture? If yes, we would love to learn more about you through our expert intake process.

Recognizing that leaders want to advance DEI initiatives, but often struggle with how to get started or what to focus on, NewSchools Venture Fund enlisted Catalyst:Ed to create the “DEI Expert Hub”. Launched in April 2018, this online platform informs and connects leaders with experts who know how to create strong DEI training programs, weave DEI into organizational and programmatic strategy or develop a comprehensive approach to talent management. It also helps amplify the reach and impact of individuals and organizations with deep expertise in DEI by connecting them to opportunities and to each other.

We’ve learned so much about this work since the launch of the DEI Expert Hub, and we are excited to open up a new round of expert intake! And this time, we are partnering with Equity in the Center to broaden our expert intake process to include DEI experts who bring race equity expertise from across the social sector.


How to Apply


Application Closed for Review

Who We’re Looking For

Experts may include:

  • Independent consultants and race equity practitioners
  • National or regional firms  
  • Leaders who have full-time jobs but are interested in doing small, targeted projects

Process & Timeline

Our three-step intake process is designed to help us get to know you better, pinpoint your specific areas of expertise and understand the contexts where you thrive.

What We Aim To Learn About You

The intake process helps us understand the following:

  • Expertise: In which areas, relevant to DEI, do you bring knowledge and skills?
  • Experience: How long have you worked on DEI? Which contexts do you shine in?
  • Applicability of learning: Are you able to apply your learning from one context to another?
  • Comfort in leadership: How confident are you in your knowledge, expertise, leadership and experience ?
  • Impact: How are you thinking about and tracking your impact?
  • Growth: How are you learning from best practices and from your own experiences?

Start Your Application

The DEI expert network is composed of both individuals and teams. Teams can be from for-profit or not-for-profit organizations. If applying as a team, please ensure that the lead applicant is a partner/project director who will serve as the client-facing lead.

If you want more context and information, check out a recording of our informational webinar below and a document answering all of the questions asked during the webinar here.

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Intake Process FAQs

No. We take your privacy very seriously. Your profile will not be available to anyone unless you apply for a project or you explicitly give us permission to profile you in our list of “Featured Providers”. If you do apply for a project, we will share your profile information with the organization that posted the project.

Any materials and information you share as part of the intake process will be treated as confidential and will not be shared externally without your explicit permission.

You’ll be asked in your application to provide the contact details of three references who know you professionally and can speak to your skills and capabilities. We’ll reach out to you references in February if you’re invited to the interview stage. We connect with references by phone and email – these conversations help us pinpoint your expertise and understand the contexts that you thrive in.

Interviews are typically 30 mins long. Our aim is to get to know the providers better and learn about their work and the contexts that they thrive in. We prefer to do these by video mostly because it’s more fun for us and the providers that way!

You will receive an email on or before January 21, 2019 notifying you of your advancement to the next phase. You will have the opportunity to select a date and time for your video interview. Interviews will be conducted in February 2019.  

Applicants typically spend 10-20 minutes on their submissions. We see your application as the beginning of a conversation. We will use the information to help guide the interview, so we can get to know you and the work you’ve been doing. 

We welcome applications from all experts doing work in this field. The “individual application” is right for you if you: (1) work as an independent consultant or (2) have a sole proprietorship or LLC where you are the only consultant or (3) do consulting on the side. The “firm-level application” is right for you if you work for a larger organization with multiple experts.

No. The purpose of the webinar is to provide interested DEI providers with more information about our mission, model and process. We will also make a recording available in case you’re unavailable but still interested in learning more.

Equity in the Center (EiC), a project of ProInspire, works to shift mindsets, practices, and systems within the social sector to increase race equity. EiC’s work is designed to achieve the following goals: Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations adopt a Race Equity Culture focused on proactive counteraction of social inequities; Organizations define, implement, and advance race equity internally while advocating for it in their work externally; and Race equity is centered as a core goal of social impact across the sector

Through its Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture research, convenings of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders (including an annual Summit), and curation of resources such as How to Lose/Retain a Leader of Color in 365 Days, EiC accelerates leaders, supports organizations and inspires action across the social sector. Its work has been featured by Bridgespan and Fast Company, and video of sessions from its 2018 Summit can be viewed here.

Catalyst:Ed is a national nonprofit that is unlocking the collective expertise in the sector to help education organizations innovate, excel and scale. We inform and connect education leaders – the change makers – with the top management and education talent they need for their short-term, mission-critical needs. In the process, we are democratizing access to expertise, amplifying the impact of the sector’s brightest talent and redefining the limits of organizational capacity.


NewSchools is an early stage seed fund that supports capacity building organizations, and invests in entrepreneurs that have bold ideas in education and leadership. A priority is their Diverse Leaders initiative: working to close the racial and ethnic demographic gap between education leadership and students through direct investment in entrepreneurs, catalyzing donors and partners, and internal commitment to these goals across NewSchools. They have made the case for DEI-focused work in schools through the research and publishing of Unrealized Impact, an expansive study of the state and effect DEI in school, organizational, and individual performance in 210 schools and education organizations. This work has spurred organizations to take DEI on as priority, but NewSchools has found that education leaders often don’t know where to start. They have tapped Catalyst:Ed to build the Expert Hub, in effort to map the landscape of DEI providers nationally and facilitate connections between education leaders seeking support and expert providers.

Featured DEI Projects