Infuse DEI in Your Programs

Infuse DEI in Your Programs

Advance Equitable Outcomes Nonprofits

You need this if you want to: Identify how DEI can be infused across your existing programs, and evaluate whether new programs are needed.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Gather and analyze disaggregated data on program usage and impact to identify gaps and disparities across race, ethnicity and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Identify and implement strategies to communicate and engage with program constituents. Invest in understanding the needs, interests and aspirations of students, families and community members served by your programs and incorporate their perspectives on key decisions.
  • Identify changes to the program (including design and launch of new programs where appropriate) to make it more equitable and inclusive. Establish processes to continually engage with participants and iterate on the program design based on their feedback.
  • Identify and allocate budgets necessary to ensure adequate resources to support DEI work. Identify metrics to measure progress.

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Recruit Program Participants From Underserved Communities

Recruit Program Participants From Underserved Communities

Advance Equitable Outcomes Nonprofits

You need this if you want to: Develop and implement recruitment practices that attract diverse program participants.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Analyze disaggregated data to understand participation levels by different groups or communities.
  • Conduct research (e.g., prospective participant interviews), if needed, to identify motivators and barriers to participation.
  • Review and revise program design (e.g., participation requirements, program sites, language accessibility, etc.) to reduce barriers for individuals from underserved communities.
  • Design and implement awareness campaigns and communication strategies targeted at communities of color.
  • Develop and implement systems and processes to track progress.

Does this look similar to what you’re looking for? If yes, fill the form below, and we will be in touch with you shortly.