Retain and Advance Diverse Staff

Retain and Advance Diverse Staff

Diversify Your Organization General

You need this if you want to: Support diverse teachers and leaders to advance in their careers.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Identify retention, advancement and compensation gaps between staff of different race/ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders, such as the leadership team, staff and board, to set clear time-bound retention and advancement goals.
  • Design and implement equitable professional development opportunities and other structures (e.g., standardized onboarding process, affinity groups, etc.) to support retention and advancement.  
  • Revise and standardize staff evaluation processes (e.g., systems to enable managers and employees to track feedback and progress). Train managers on how to give performance reviews and feedback to mitigate bias.
  • Define clear and transparent principles for compensation and advancement decisions.
  • Develop a succession plan to achieve/maintain diverse leadership and provide growth opportunities to support development.
  • Develop processes and systems to track and review retention and advancement data and trends, recalibrating policies and practices as needed.

Does this look similar to what you’re looking for? If yes, fill the form below, and we will be in touch with you.

Retain and Advance Diverse Teachers and Leaders

Retain and Advance Diverse Teachers and Leaders

Diversify Your Organization Schools and School Systems

You need this if you want to: Support diverse teachers and leaders to advance in their careers.

Key activities conducted by the DEI specialist may include:

  • Identify retention, advancement and compensation gaps between staff of different race/ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders, such as the leadership team, staff and board, to set clear time-bound retention and advancement goals.
  • Design and implement equitable professional development opportunities and other structures (e.g., standardized onboarding process, affinity groups, etc.) to support retention and advancement.  
  • Revise and standardize staff evaluation processes (e.g., systems to enable managers and employees to track feedback and progress). Train managers on how to give performance reviews and feedback to mitigate bias.
  • Define clear and transparent principles for compensation and advancement decisions.
  • Develop a succession plan to achieve/maintain diverse leadership and provide growth opportunities to support development.
  • Develop processes and systems to track and review retention and advancement data and trends, recalibrating policies and practices as needed.

Does this look similar to what you’re looking for? If yes, fill the form below, and we will be in touch with you.